Sunday, March 2, 2014

Scene Z Repercussions

Lonaricago, Dirty City, 1937
Minor Event 6, LARP Awareness Party 2014, March 2nd, Leicester

Pahl’Muun calls an emergency meeting of Parliament in the Dirt city of Lonaricago. Apparently two Dreamer creators have died, leaving a concept behind, growing bigger and stronger in belief from the Waking World. Pahl’Muun wants this concept located, identified and dealt with.

A new Wavefarer House attend, searching for their lost ship Eyrie, taken off in a mishap by an overenthusiastic Loon...

Aleister Crowley returns, somewhat grizzled and more on edge. He shrugs off attempts to bring up his own machinations, and instead talks of his “magical war” against The Guide, a Dreamer with an army of radical believers.

Pahl’Muun gives Pablo, Carla and Titus the lofty job of revising and editing the Laws of Parliament, to give Parliament more protection, and not to favour or discriminate any Cotery or House. The new laws will be used from Act IV onwards.

Carla undergoes her Rite of Passage, proving her worthiness of The River without ehr martial prowess, and succeeds.

Mad Dack undergoes his Rite of Passage, proving his combined heroism and responsibility to the Wavefarers Superiors, and is awarded with the title of Admiral.
A Dancer, a dreamer who has refused to move on past her death, makes the acquaintance of Pablo, he offers her the aid of the Glorious Imperium…

On Pablo’s request, Pahl’Muun opens a path to help the search for the concept, revealing a grey, faded fantasy world, it’s only colours a smashed emerald city and a crumbling yellow brick road. The path leads to a witch lamenting being replaced by a new antagonist… the concept, revealed as a massive incomprehensible god of fear, all tentacles and undefinable evil, its very presence causing madness...
Clara, a “psychic medium” offers to help name the concept, attempting a seance aided by Crowley. Her strange Dreamer magic seems laughable… until she suddenly screams and convulses, spouting madness directly from the concept. A name is gathered… K T L U…

The seance is interrupted by Hood, who attempts to kill the traitor Titus. Pablo sorts this out, by the book, by the Laws of Parliament. No follow up action is seemingly taken.

Gideon, a dreamer known favourably by Crowley, comes to the gathering looking for Winged willing to help him rescue two men, trapped in eternal despair. It unfurls that the men are the creators, Robert E Howard and Howard Phillips Lovecraft, both trapped in Dreams of Despair despite their deaths. The men put to rest, Gideon is forced to confront his own looming demise, and the good man is taken by a bright light. More information on the concept is gathered - a fictional God, whose terror and popularity have blown its presence out of proportion… Bliss and Desire are its antitheses…

Titus and Pablo motivate the gathering to do something before the KTLU concept grows too large, already causing storms of nightmare and fear across the Dream. Caroline, a loon, designs a device to imbue a weapon with an Emotion’s aura

KTLU grows rapidly in the Tumult, creating whirlpools, storms, and waves of fear, smashing into everything across the Dream, threatening to wash away the Winged’s reality in a tsunami of terrifying destruction...

Razia, an Under-Barrier servant of Brufus, offers a large sum of “Ignorance” Emotion to the gathering in exchange for a later favour - Pablo takes her up on this, and Pablo and Carla use this emotion in Songs, with the aid of everyone present, to channel Bliss and Desire respectively into KTLU. The emotional impact is powerful enough to instantly nullify the threat, calming the broiling Tumult…

KTLU’s exposure to Bliss and Desire does not destroy it, but renders it unthreatening. Still a giant God of Fear, but purely insubstantial, an image, fit only for fiction, cuddly depictions and a cultural meme.

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