Hardier – Your Winged Has A Further Extra Grade Of Existence (+1 HIT)
Hardiest – Your Winged Has An Either Further Extra Grade Of Existence (+1 HIT)
Numb - Your Winged's body is tough, too tough to feel simple pain. You gain an extra Hit. You have problems reacting quickly to non-combat physical stimulus. Torture & Song Effects still hurt.
As long as you are not on 1 Hit, you may call KLUNK to all calls of REND!
Quick – Your Winged is particularly adept at Dodging Blows (+1 Dodge Per Hour)
Quicker – Your Winged is very adept at Dodging Blows (+1 Dodge Per Hour)
Quickest – Your Winged is excellent at Dodging Blows (+1 Dodge Per Hour)
Twitcher - Your Winged's body is fast, too fast for sneaky tricks. You gain an extra Dodge. You are quick to react, twitching and buzzing, almost paranoidly so.
As long as you still have 1 or more Dodges, you may call KLUNK! to all calls of DESTROY! to items being wielded by you / on your person.
Entwiner - Your speedy Winged would give anything for a friend. You gain an extra Dodge. You are quick to react to threats to your friends, almost paranoidly so
As long as you are within touching range of someone taking a Damage Call, you may call "TAKE DODGE", and spend one of your Dodges to prevent them from being harmed. Like all Dodges, this must be physrepped, but don't catapult yourself and someone else around: touching their shoulder as you move is enough.
I would also say try and keep this one for close allies - that way, you can brief them before hand on the Quality.
Fancy – Your Winged Starts Play with Fancy Clothing – this may be dress uniform, a particularly pretty dress, or something else remarkably fancy & well-tailoured. Your Winged is particularly well equipped at Dodging Blows (+2 Dodges Per Hour). A DESTROY call will destroy the Armour. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
Fancier - Your Winged Starts Play with Fancier Clothing – this clothing must be at least attempting to be the fanciest thing in the Parliament. Your Winged is even more well equipped at Dodging Blows (Further +2 Dodges Per Hour). This Armour needs to be hit with two DESTROYS to be utterly destroyed.
Fearfulism – Your Winged has a certain knack for casting a domineering shadow. Once per Hour, you may call FEAR at either a single target, or you can simultaneously sweep your arm to generalise an area you are opressing. Those effected should either cower & whimper, nod fearfully or back away, slowly or fastpaced.
Enterrorfying – Your Winged’s very presence stales the air and sours milk. Once per Parliament, your Winged may call TERROR! In the same way as calling FEAR! There is no absolute resistance to TERROR!, yet those that can Resist FEAR! Are able to back away slowly from you rather than cower and tremble.
Scarista – Your Winged has been practicing their “Mean Face”. They may now call FEAR twice per hour (for every use of Fear they have).
Stalwart – Your Winged is either Too Stupid or Too Clever to be cowed by Fear. Once per Parliament you may call I RESIST! to a FEAR call. If hit with any TERROR call, you are still affected, but you may back away fearfully (you can not attack) rather than cower & whimper – this does not use up your resistance to FEAR. If you have used up your I RESIST!, you may treat further TERROR calls in the same way as resisting TERROR.
Imperviousness – Your Winged Knows Not When To Stop. Every FEAR! Cast upon your Winged may be met with I RESIST! This has no effect on the previous roleplay effects for taking TERROR! – you must still back away from all TERROR! Calls.
Armoured – Your Winged Starts Play with Simple Armour. This is phys-repped by leather or even thick uniform, minimum covering your torso OR all your limbs. While worn, this Armour provides you with Two Extra Grades Of Existence (+2 HIT). A DESTROY call will destroy the Armour. Please discard it, or take it to a Repairist, as soon as possible.
As a Bonus, you may repair the Hits on your armour yourself, either sewing or striking-it-with-a-blunt-object for 1 minute per lost hit.
As a Note, anyone can wear leather or metal armour, (minimum torso or all limbs) but only gains 1 Hit (And can only be repaired up to 1 Hit) unless they have the Armoured or Fortified qualities.
Fortified – Your Winged Starts Play with Grandiose Armour. This must be phys-repped with at least partial-Metal armour over your torso OR your limbs. While worn, this Armour provides you with Two Extra Grades Of Existence (+2 HIT, two more than Simple Armour). It also allows you to call "KLANK!" to One Sever every Hour, completely ignoring the damage call. This Armour needs to be hit with two DESTROYS to be utterly destroyed.
Envisioned - Your eyes are important, and you’ve learnt to protect them. While wearing a Metal Coif or Helmet or Mask or Goggles, you gain an extra Hit of Armour.
While your armour is not destroyed, you may call KLANK!, take a step back, and totally ignore the effects of BLIND!
Vambraced - Your hands are important, and you’ve learnt to protect them. While wearing a pair of Metal Gauntlets or Vambraces, you gain an extra Hit of Armour.
While your armour is not destroyed, you may call KLANK!, take a step back, and totally ignore the effects of DISARM!
Grieved - Your feet are important, and you’ve learnt to protect them. While wearing a pair of Metal Grieves or Big Sturdy Boots, you gain an extra Hit of Armour.
While your armour is not destroyed, you may call KLANK!, take a step back, and totally ignore the effects of MIGHTY DISARM!
Talloned – Your Winged has grown wickedly sharp Talons. These can be chosen to be “grown” or not by your Winged at the beginning of each Parliament, but if they are “grown” then they must be phys-repped with at least one hand ending in strike-safe, barbarous claws. You may call STRIKE with them as usual. Once per Hour, you may call REND with a strike from each claw phys-repped. Meaning that if two Talons are phys-repped, you may call REND twice per Hour. Regardless of the phys-rep, a clawed-hand cannot carry, or be used to hold, any weapons. . A DISARM or DESTROY call done to your Talons does not count as it has bounced off your horrid, scalesque skin.
Reaverist – Your Winged’s Talons are now Insufferably Cruel. You may call SEVER with a Strike from your Talons instead of simply STRIKE, for all blows. Also your number of RENDs per hour doubles.
Knifesman – Your Winged Starts Play with a Knife Licence, and is adept at putting it in people. You may also use the Special Call TORTURE. TORTURE requires 1 Minute of appropiate Roleplay on the target, roleplay mutilating, severing or generally being unpleasant – any desired results should be made clear to a Tribunal immiediately or afterwards. Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged that publically display Knives, the tool of a Life Thief. A DESTROY call will destroy the Knife. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
Footpad – Your Winged is a cruel-monstrosity with a sharp piece of metal. You may use the Special Call ASSASINATE while using your Knife. As stated in the rules, this requires a prolonged period of roleplay, whether that be hiding or disguising your intents, approximately 1 minute, before striking with your knife and calling ASSASINATE. A Target struck with ASSASSINATE is instantly Grievously Wounded, losing ALL remaining hits, and immiediately lapsing into their Grievance Fugue. ASSASINATE cannot be Dodged. You cannot use ASSASSINATE for Hit&Run tactics, neither can you use it in a Duel or Fight. As a Bonus you may call DODGE once more than usually allowed.
Ripper - Your Knife Skills leave Scars. You gain 1 DODGE, and 1 use of REND! W/ Knife an Hour.
Shivism - Your Knife Skills are legendary. You can call SEVER! W/ Knife.
Swordsman – Your Winged Starts Play with a Sword Licence, and is skilled at using it. Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Swords, that is a symbol of Raptor Honour and of ancient Heraldric importance. A DESTROY call will destroy the Sword. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
Duellist – Your Winged is adept at defending himself with a sword, and delaying others. You may call DISARM with this sword one-handed (depending on the safety of the phys-rep) once per Hour. You may also call DODGE once more than usually allowed.
Sabruer – Your Winged is an Unstoppable Juggernaut with a Blade. All STRIKEs with the Sword may now be called as SEVERs.
Axesman - Your Winged Starts Play with an Axe Licence, and is skilled at using it. Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Axes, the symbol of both the Butcherbirds & Cannibals, as well as Barbarians and Thoughtless. A DESTROY call will destroy the Axe. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
‘Hacker – Your Winged’s skill with an axe makes armour shake with anticipation. Once per Hour, you may call DESTROY with an axe strike.
Reaperist – Your Winged’s skill with an axe makes flesh tremble with repulsion. All STRIKES landed can instead be called as SEVERS.
Butcherer – Your Winged’s skill with an axe is only comparable with the Axe’s taste for Blood. You may use the Special Call TORTURE. TORTURE requires 1 Minute of appropiate Roleplay on the target, roleplay mutilating, severing or generally being unpleasant – any desired results should be made clear to a Tribunal immiediately or afterwards.
Also, once per Hour, you may call REND.
Spearsman - Your Winged Starts Play with a Spear Licence, and is skilled at using it.
Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Spears, the symbol of defense & protection, the honourific of a Guard & a Servant, the weapon of a Peon.
You may also call HOLD! Once per Hour to any one blow that strikes your body, or a DESTROY that strikes your Spear, while you are holding it two-handed.
A DESTROY call will destroy the Spear. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
Stab safe-spears are allowed, but ONLY for Stabbing.
Pikeish – Your Winged is proficient at defence with a stick. You can once per Hour call DISARM with your Spear, and once per Parliament call MIGHTY DISARM. As a Bonus you also gain one Dodge per Duel.
You may also call HOLD! a second time an Hour.
Pistolsman - Your Winged Starts Play with a Pistol Licence, and is skilled at using it.
You may call STRIKE with this Pistol while aiming at that target within Five Metres, and it requires ten-seconds roleplay of NOTHING ELSE to reload the Pistol. Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Pistols, a modernist’s concealable Knife, either carried by Brigands, Officers, or those that would rather shoot you than talk to you.
A DESTROY call will destroy the Pistol. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
Pistolero – Your Winged’s aim with a Pistol is precise and unnerving. Once per Hour, With your Pistol, you may call DISARM instead of Strike. As a Bonus, if you are firing at Point Blank range (within a metre), you may once an Hour call SEVER.
Speedstern – Your Winged’s speed with a pistol is unmatched. Once per Hour, you may call DODGE if you specifically do NOT have your pistol drawn, and no other weapons in your hand. You must immediately draw your pistol, and may immediately call MIGHTY DISARM! at the person who caused you to Dodge. The Dodge you use up is free, and NOT part of your total.
As a Note, this is to help represent the potential of quick-draw fights, not to give you invincibility. Please roleplay it as such.
Ensilencer - Your Winged knows what happens when a bullet pierces the brain or heart. You may use the Special Call ASSASINATE while using your Pistol. As stated in the rules, this requires a prolonged period of roleplay, whether that be hiding or disguising your intents, approximately 1 minute, before striking with your Pistol and calling ASSASINATE. A Target struck with ASSASSINATE is instantly Grievously Wounded, losing ALL remaining hits, and immiediately lapsing into their Grievance Fugue. ASSASINATE cannot be Dodged. You cannot use ASSASSINATE for Hit&Run tactics, neither can you use it in the Orchestral Pit.
As a Bonus, if you are firing at Point Blank range (within a metre), you may once a Parliament call MIGHTY DISARM.
Riflesman - Your Winged Starts Play with a Rifle Licence, and is skilled at using it.
You may call STRIKE with this Rifle while aiming at that target within line of sight, and it requires thirty-seconds roleplay of NOTHING ELSE to reload the Rifle. Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Rifles, a modern Soldiers Tool of Death, unreliable yet fatal, and often considred unfair by those who live by a Code of Honour. A DESTROY call will destroy the Rifle. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
As a note, Rifles can in theory shoot anyone, but if they can’t hear you, there’s no way for them to take damage. Although it is not the most efficiently fast method, please inform a Tribunal if you attempting to “Snipe” someone who might not hear you.
Occuliser – Your Winged’s skill with a Rifle allows incredibly precise shots. To the face.
Once per Hour, your Rifle may call “BLIND” at a Target.
Sniperito - Your Winged’s skill with a Rifle knocks targets stupid. Once per Hour, your Rifle may call DISARM at a Target.
As a Bonus, Once per Parliament, you may call MIGHTY DISARM at a Target.
Eraseer – Your Winged’s skill with a Rifle gets rid of nuisances swiftly. All Shots called as STRIKE from your Rifle can now be called as SEVERS.
Bombardeer – Your Winged’s skill with a Rifle defies all explanation of ballistics. Once per Hour, you may spend one minute reloading your Rifle, rather than 20 seconds. Once performed, you may call a single shot as BLAST.
Bowsman - Your Winged Starts Play with a Bow Licence, and is skilled at using it.
You may call STRIKE with this Bow while aiming at that target within Five Metres (Or as far as the Arrow Flies), and it requires five-seconds roleplay of NOTHING ELSE (or actually pulling and knocking a new arrow) to reload the Bow. Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Arrows, an ancient tool of hunting developed to destroy Winged kind and turned into one of it’s most common Death.
A DESTROY call will destroy the Bow. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
As a note on Bows, depending on venues, Arrows may or may not be permitted. If not, Bows work similarly to pistols, with the exception of a much, much shorter reload.
Hench – Your Winged’s wing & back muscles are developed enough to cause considerable problems for your targets. All arrows that connect can be called as SEVERS instead of STRIKES.
As a Bonus, once per Hour, an arrow that strikes a Shield can be called as DESTROY.
Sharpeshooter – Your winged’s aim with an arrow is impeccable. Once per Hour, an arrow can be called as BLIND.
If we are not permitting arrows, you have struck them in the face. If we are permitting arrows, DO NOT AIM FOR THE HEAD! This represents an incapacitating spray of blood in the eyes, this does not need to be phys-repped with an actual head-wound.
Macesman – Your Winged Starts Play with a Mace Licence, and is skilled at using it. Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Maces, either the Cudgel of a thief or thug, or the ancient Mace of a Proud, if outdated soldier. A DESTROY call will destroy the Mace. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
Juggernautism – Your Winged simply cannot be stopped with a Bludgeon. All STRIKEs with your Mace can now be called as SEVERS.
Crusheer – Your Winged is particularly skilled at crushing ribcages under his mighty swings. Once per Hour you may call MIGHTY DISARM with your Mace. As stated in the Rules, MIGHTY DISARM not only causes the target to drop their weapon, but to be struck down, fully onto the ground, on their bottom or back. In order to call MIGHTY DISARM, there must be an equally Mighty phys-rep – no tapping or poking, but a full swing, and or bellow.
Shieldsman – Your Winged Starts Play with a Shield, and is skilled at using it. You may parry blows with the Shield, and at any time, may call HOLD! To any special call that strikes the Shield that is not DESTROY or MIGHTY DISARM. Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Shields, either ancient barbarians or modern day cowards. As a note, a DISARM that makes contact with the arm carrying the Shield still drops it, or knocks it and you out of the way if it cannot be dropped – a Shield MUST be wield in a hand, or if you choose to strap it to your body, you take any DISARM as a MIGHTY DISARM.
A DESTROY call will destroy the Shield. Please discard it, or take it to a Toolsman, as soon as possible.
Defenceer – Your Winged is utterly immovable with their Shield. Like Shieldsman, but now you may also call HOLD! To MIGHTY DISARM. As a Bonus too, you gain one Dodge per Hour whilst wielding your shield.
Toolsman - Your Winged Starts Play with a Tool Licence, and is skilled at using it, both martially and for repairs work.
Tools may also be used to Repair DESTROYED items at the following rates:
Basic Weapon: 1 Minute Beating
Artefact: 5 Minutes Beating
Bow, Knife, Tool: 30 Seconds
Pistol: 1 Minute
Rifle: 5 Minutes
Armour: 1 Minute Beating per Hit
Fancy Clothing: 1 Minute Sewing per Dodge
Bear in mind a Tool lammy represents the tools of your trade as you define it, wether one huge wrench or a small collection of Spanners.
Please bear in mind the common conceptions made of Winged who carry Tools, the Working Class of an jumped-up upstart dirt-eating society who would rather live amongst Humanity than command them. A DESTROY call will destroy the Tools. Please discard it, or take it to another Toolsman, as soon as possible.
Unionised - Your Winged knows his place as a physical labourer, and knows how to make the best of it. All STRIKEs delivered with your Tool two-handed (If the Phys-rep is designed to be wielded like so only) can now be called as SEVERs.
Technologist – Your Winged knows of those Human traits of Skience and Mechanology. If you have a Mechanological device, you may use it at it's full potential - ask a ref for assistance.
Whipsman - Your Winged enjoys inflicting pain on others. You have a Licence to carry a Whip. While holding a Licenced Whip physrep, you may point at a Target within 2 Metres, and call "DISARM!" once every 5 seconds. You must have clear sight of the target, and there must be NOTHING between you and them (Within reason). You may also use the Torture ability while carrying the Whip. A Winged without Whipsman holding a Whip cannot use these abilities, and is simply holding a fancy piece of rope. Tadah.
Please note that Ornithocracy will not tolerate actual whipping for torture, or whipping AT ALL - being granted this ability by knowing how to use a Whip is flavourful and appropriate, not an excuse to flail a rope dangerously. We advise you keep the "Whip" coiled (possibly bound), and point with the hand holding it to denote a Whip attack.
Although if appropriate warning, space, and caution is given, actually cracking a whip for a Song might be both acceptable and appropriate.
Ambidextral - Your Winged is skilled with a weapon in both hands. Before Parliament, choose a weapon you are Licensed for: if you do not currently have two of that weapon, you gain up to a maximum of two. You can use the second weapon with the Qualities etc. you can use with the first.
This can only allow you to have one-handed weapons - two-handed physreps, Rifles, Bows, and Spears can not be combined with Ambidextral.
Barbrisier – Your Winged knows how to use a knife or at least a sharp stick to stop others dying or what. With appropiate roleplay, your Winged may take 1 minute roleplaying bandaging, caressing, feeding, cleaning, scourging, berating (or whatever you see as appropiate) a wounded Winged. Once the time has elapsed, they have regained all Hits. You may attempt this to a Winged in their Grievance Fugue.
Undertakerist – Your Winged knows how to prepare the dead and dying in a far more practical manner than the Holy Bird Song. If a Winged is in their Mourning, you may immediately “take over”, making it clear that you are conversing with them, grieving for them, preparing them, or simply screaming in woe. For as long as you keep this up, their Mourning count is paused.
You may also, if you believe the Winged is suffering too m,uch (or you have other motives), end their Mourning early. Make it clear you are letting them die, and roleplay killing them (preferably in the heart area). The Deceased Winged should leave behind anything they are supposed to.
Chirugeonier – Your Winged knows far more about the Winged’s anatomy than anyone really should. This skill works like Barbrisier, except you may heal back all their hits for 30 seconds of roleplay. As a Bonus, once per Parliament, you may spend a minute caring, prodding and talking to them, at the end of which, they regain all their “Once per – “ Qualities that have already been used.
Oratorism – Your Winged is a Skilled Speaker. Three Times per Hour, your Winged may call SILENCE! , instructing evferyone in the area to stop talking, and pay attention to what they have to say. This is not a muting ability, but a Status Symbol. Please bear in mind the Social Faux-Pas of silencing any sort of Bird-Song, or speaking over another Orator – but bear in mind also that that doesn’t mean you can’t do it…
Berzerkist – Your Winged may become somewhat unhinged in crisis situations. Once per Parliament, after losing your final Hit and collapsing, instead of lapsing into your Mourning, you may instead bellow in rage (Phys-Rep 5 Seconds), and instantly regain all lost Hits, “toggling” Berzerkist “on”. All Destroyed items stay Destroyed, including Armour. You are now utterly enraged and wish to crush everything and everyone in your view.
All STRIKE calls you were prieviously able to call may now be called as SEVERs.
Berzerkist “toggles off” once your final hit is lost again.
While Berzerk, you can only call SEVER, FEAR!, TERROR! and RESIST!
You cannot Dodge. You always RESIST! FEAR! & TERROR!
The roleplay is the important aspect here, rather than the hits or Damage – if someone is able to control your rage and direct you into the Orchestral Pit for a Duel against the enemy, or direct you into a horde of screaming netherworld creatures, that is just as good as hacking all your friends apart.
Feel free to hint at your rage, but please don’t use this skill to tactical advantage before it is discovered – you are a lit-bomb, not a tactical-missile.
If you gain multiple uses of Berzerkerist, you cannot use Berzerk again until you have seen IC medical attention.
Enragened – Your Winged’s grip on his Personal Emotions has degraded even further. Like Berzerkist, but now you can “toggle on” Berzerkist as and when you feel like it, with no further restrictions – not just when you die. You can still only do this as many times as you could use Berserkerist.
You also gain a Second Use of Berserk.
As a roleplay requirement, feel free to be either emotionally drained & distant, or constantly enraged, teary or manic. One Extreme or the other.
Emotionalist – Your Winged is adept at hoarding Emotion. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus Emotion of your kind.
Nightmared - Your Winged knows true fear. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus two pieces of Nightmare. This does not include Nightmare from any other source or Quality. Also, once per event, your Winged can choose to be immune to Emotional effects involving Nightmare, including Consuming, being Poisoned, Auras, etc. If you choose to be immune to being overwhelmed by carrying too much Nightmare, this lasts the entire event. When choose to be immune, you develop a strange taste in your mouth and a subtle headache.
Wrathful - Your Winged knows true violence. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus two pieces of Wrath. This does not include Nightmare from any other source or Quality. Also, once per event, your Winged can choose to be immune to Emotional effects involving Wrath, including Consuming, being Poisoned, Auras, etc. If you choose to be immune to being overwhelmed by carrying too much Wrath, this lasts the entire event. When choose to be immune, you develop a strange taste in your mouth and a subtle headache.
Despairing - Your Winged knows true darkness. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus two pieces of Despair. This does not include Nightmare from any other source or Quality. Also, once per event, your Winged can choose to be immune to Emotional effects involving Despair, including Consuming, being Poisoned, Auras, etc. If you choose to be immune to being overwhelmed by carrying too much Despair, this lasts the entire event. When choose to be immune, you develop a strange taste in your mouth and a subtle headache.
Desiring - Your Winged knows true wanting. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus two pieces of Desire. This does not include Nightmare from any other source or Quality. Also, once per event, your Winged can choose to be immune to Emotional effects involving Desire, including Consuming, being Poisoned, Auras, etc. If you choose to be immune to being overwhelmed by carrying too much Desire, this lasts the entire event. When choose to be immune, you develop a strange taste in your mouth and a subtle headache.
Blissful - Your Winged knows true perfection. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus two pieces of Bliss. This does not include Nightmare from any other source or Quality. Also, once per event, your Winged can choose to be immune to Emotional effects involving Bliss, including Consuming, being Poisoned, Auras, etc. If you choose to be immune to being overwhelmed by carrying too much Bliss, this lasts the entire event. When choose to be immune, you develop a strange taste in your mouth and a subtle headache.
Adventurous - Your Winged knows thrill. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus two pieces of Adventure. This does not include Nightmare from any other source or Quality. Also, once per event, your Winged can choose to be immune to Emotional effects involving Adventure, including Consuming, being Poisoned, Auras, etc. If you choose to be immune to being overwhelmed by carrying too much Adventure, this lasts the entire event. When choose to be immune, you develop a strange taste in your mouth and a subtle headache.
Loving - Your Winged knows true Love. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus piece of Love. This does not include Nightmare from any other source or Quality. Also, once per event, your Winged can choose to be immune to Emotional effects involving Love, including Consuming, being Poisoned, Auras, etc. If you choose to be immune to being overwhelmed by carrying too much Love, this lasts the entire event. When choose to be immune, you develop a sudden urge to be sick and a strong, stabbing migraine.
Hating - Your Winged knows true Hate. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus piece of Hate. This does not include Nightmare from any other source or Quality. Also, once per event, your Winged can choose to be immune to Emotional effects involving Hate, including Consuming, being Poisoned, Auras, etc. If you choose to be immune to being overwhelmed by carrying too much Hate, this lasts the entire event. When choose to be immune, you develop a sudden urge to be sick and a strong, stabbing migraine.
Merchantilier – Your Winged is adept at scrounging Dream Stuff. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus piece of Stuff.
Materiallist - Your Winged is a collector of Stuff. At the Beginning of The Parliament, their Coterie will start with a bonus two pieces of Stuff. This does not include the Stuff from Merchantillier.
Energist - Your Winged can channel the power of the Elements. You can call BLAST! once per Parliament.
Empowered - Your Winged IS Power. Your BLAST! is now per Hour.