- The Most Noble & Ancient House Of Raptor - The Chivalric & Clandestine Birds Of Prey, Creatures of Nightmare.
- The River States - The Beautiful & Trade-Happy Noble Cities Of The River Of Consciousness, Creatures of Desire.
- The Dirt - The Pigeons & The Urban, Civilized Worksmen, Creatures of Desire.
- The Green - The Rabble & The Barbaric, The Pagan & The Wise, Creatures of Wrath...
- ...and their separatist Cousins, The Red, The Violent & Vicious, The Blood & The Flesh.
- The Mourning Veil - The Dark Brooding Artisan Corvids, Creatures of Despair...
- ...and their fascist elite, the Ministry of Truth, MINITru
- The Fading Eye - The Anachronistic, Lost Militaristic Children Of The Burning Desert, Creatures of Despair.
- The Wavefarers -
The Story-Seeking Thrill-Riding Gulls & Cormorants, Creatures of Adventure Currently schism'd between the violent Plunderhearts and exploratory Haven-Holme
- The Church Of The White Hand - The Peace-Worshipping Violence-Eschewing Religious Doves, Creatures of Bliss...
- ...and their separatist cult, the free-willed, blissful Thelemite neonates The Pillars Of Light
- Cuckoos - Unaffiliated, Mythical Assassins and Oneirovores.
- The Xenos - The Colourful, Alien Winged Ambassadors from The Bright Abyss. Creatures of Love & Hate.
- The Lost, the dead & the returned.
- It is also possible to be a Rogue Winged, without House or Home...