The Fugue, 1936 to 39
Minor Event 7, Conpulsion, Edinburgh, April 26th
- Pahl’Munn assembles an emergency meeting of Parliament: a silver wave of *something* has spread from the River, and is now encircling the Dream. It is rising and spreading - if it successfully hits the Parliament, the Dream’s heart, it will cause something disastrous...
- Outside the Dream, huge creatures of the Fugue can be seen, wildly active. These “Striders” appear to be blank silhouettes of white blankness, deprived of detail or purpose.
- The Dirt construct an Artefact to discover what the Wave’s purpose is. They discover it is a weapon of “The Above”, named “Pollution”, amongst other info. It appears to be a byproduct of Desire, and is mostly comprised of the same Emotion.
- Pahl’Munn thinks a missing Dreamer pilot (knocked into the Fugue by the Gate’s rubble) can help. In order to help him, he challenges the Raptors to help in another jaunt first…
- A Crimson-Citizen spy for Guild Vulpidae comes looking for help - apparently some massive tree has sprouted from where Lodge Prime was believed to have once been. The tree is glowing and rising uncontrollably into the abyss, threatening to break the edge of the Dream. The Raptors and a White Hand priest explore the tree, discovering it to be something from ancient Dreamer myth, resurrected by Dreamers of the “Guide”.
- Fighting past huge monstrous squirrells, a strange branch designed for crucifixion and sacrifice of the eye in exchange for power, they find a mournful moon-faced creature, a failed “god” who only wants to help children. With his help, the Winged confront the Guide’s Mystics and their plan - to place the tree, acting as a dimensional bridge to far-away, inside a woman’s mind. The ritual is destroyed, the mystics sent cartwheeling into infinity, and the tree is bound inside the lady’s mind, harmless. All that is left over is a gift from their moon-faced ally - a winged, flying chair carved from the tree’s ancient wood, now in the possession of The Raptors...
- This seems to have been Pahl’Munn’s plan, as once three Winged are sitting on the chair, back at the Parliament, it flies off to the Fugue, depositing a puffin, a pigeon, and Warra-Warra the Kookaburra unceremoniously outside a cave in the Fugue. Dodging Striders, the Winged find the burnt trail of the missing pilot, and a cave filled with flittering confused souls and emotion, slumbering Striders (who briefly gain features and personalities when they consume a Soul) - the biggest, friendliest of the Striders is protecting the pilot, who is soon back on his feet after some marvellous medicine. Experimenting, Warra-Warra with help bestows the friendliest Strider with lots of Love, turning it into a walking embodiment of Love (resembling a big happy Kookaburra) - possessed by some great purpose, it runs off to save the Parliament.
- Pahl’Munn helps Selima the duck, who has hypothesised that Despair might help against the Desire wave. Meanwhile, the White Hand Priest attempts to change the Wave’s fundamental nature… but is suddenly cut down. Many think that a trio of ex-MINITru Jackdaws are responsible, but nothing is done or proven…
- The Dirt erect a mighty, one-use dome over the Parliament. Around the same time, others begin to notice their songs fail to work...
- Jocko the Robin has planned to change the Dreamer’s perception of nature, wishing to help and enjoy it rather than take it for granted. With help from a plucky Puffin, he is wildly succesful, rechanneling the Wrath created into the Big Friendly Strider, turning it into an embodiment of Love of Nature. Arms out, it stands in the way of the wave…
- As the tide diminishes, the Winged discover they have been successful. The parliament is unscatehged, the Dreamscape is dirty yet unchanged, the Pollution Wave is visibly weakened, and the Big Friendly Strider dances away...
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